How to Configure S.R.M. 6.1
Step 1:
Install two different esxi hosts, two pscs and two vcenter servers. Create two Datacenter and take over the respective hosts. Then, create a generic 2008 vm (64 bit) to be used for SRM later on. I gave each 2k8 vm 2 vcpus, 8gbs of RAM and a 60GB hard drive. Once you finish, change the ip to static, change the name, join a domain and install vmware tools. Here is a capture of one of my sites at this point.
Step 2:
Deploy the replication appliance on both sites via ovf using
the web client. No captures needed for this step. Be careful during the
wizard. Connect to the appliance via port 5480 once it boots up and log
in as root to make sure the service is running. Notice the lower left
Step 3:
Log out from the web client and log in to ensure that the client
plugin appears. Do this in both sites. I noticed I had to restart the
web client server service in one of my vcenters for it to display
correctly. I used the linux appliance and the command was
/etc/init.d/vsphere-client restart.
Step 4:
Install the srm software on both sites. Here are the captures for one of the sites.
Step 4:
Verify that the plugin is in place on both sites. You will need to log out and log in again.
Step 5:
Log in to the primary site and pair up the sites. Do so by clicking on the SRM plugin.
Step 6:
Once the pairing has been done, right click on the individual vms that you want to replicate. Next, configure your resource (datastores, folders, networks) mappings. You will have to create Resource Pools and Folders on both sites for this step.
Final Step:
Test the Recovery using the web client and verify with either tool.