Tuesday, October 6, 2015

vPostgres Database Information

 vPostgres related commands to know

Disclaimer: Do not run these commands in a production environment.

Connect to the vCenter Appliance via putty. Type df -h to find the location of the database and how full it is.


Go to /etc/vmware-vpx and find the password of your database in the vcdb.properties file. This includes the username (vc) and password.

Use the psql command to connect to the database. Type \h to get help and \q to quit once you are done.

Google vacuumdb to free up some space.

Or ... here is the syntax.

Find the password for the user "vc" to perform the database backup.Stop vpx first by typing service vmware-vpxd stop first.

Back up the database with the pg_dump command. Type service vmware-vpxd start once you are done.

vSphere Web Client Timeout Configuration in 5.5

How to make the vSphere Web Client to never timeout in 5.5

vSphere 5.5 example using the Linux Appliance

Step 1: Log into the vcenter appliance and change directories to /var/lib/vmware/vsphere-client

Step 2: Edit the webclient.properties with the vi editor.

Step 3: Modify the session.timeout parameter to 0.

Step 4: Restart the vsphere-client script in /etc/init.d

Step 5: Launch the web client and verify behavior.

Note: If using the Windows vCenter, the information is here:

%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\VMware\vSphere Web Client