Friday, May 2, 2014

The Ruby Vsphere Console and the VSAN Observer

Ruby vSphere Console

The vCenter appliance contains a ruby vsphere console. Once you use putty into the vCenter appliance, use the following command to start using rvc.

0 /
1 localhost/

Learn how to use the built in help.

> help


To see commands in a namespace: help namespace_name
To see detailed help for a command: help namespace_name.command_name

> help cluster

create: Create a cluster
add_host: Add a host to a cluster
configure_ha: Configure HA on a cluster
configure_drs: Configure DRS on a cluster
configure_swap: Configure VM Swap Placement on a cluster
recommendations: List recommendations
apply_recommendations: Apply recommendations

To see commands in a namespace: help namespace_name
To see detailed help for a command: help namespace_name.command_name

Learn to navigate through the rvc and use commands 

> ls

0 /
1 localhost/

> cd 1

/localhost> ls

0 Training (datacenter)

/localhost> cd 0


> cd 1
/localhost> ls

0 Training (datacenter)

/localhost> cd 0

/localhost/Training> ls

0 storage/
1 computers [host]/
2 networks [network]/
3 datastores [datastore]/
4 vms [vm]/

/localhost/Training> cd 4

/localhost/Training/vms> ls

0 Discovered virtual machine/
1 vm1: poweredOn
2 vm2: poweredOn

/localhost/Training/vms> cd 1
/localhost/Training/vms/vm1> ls

0 datastores/
1 networks/
2 files/
3 snapshots
4 devices/
5 vmprofiles/
6 host [esxi01.vclass.local] (host): cpu 1*1*2.67 GHz, memory 6.00 GB
7 resourcePool [Resources]: cpu 1.04/1.04/normal, mem 4.40/4.40/normal

/localhost/Training/vms/vm1> cd snapshots
/localhost/Training/vms/vm1/snapshots> ls

0 snap1

/localhost/Training/vms/vm1/snapshots> cd ../../..
/localhost/Training> cd storage
/localhost/Training/storage> ls

0 vmprofiles/

/localhost/Training/storage> cd vmprofiles

/localhost/Training/storage/vmprofiles> ls

0 Policy 1 policy
1 Policy 2 policy

/localhost/Training/storage/vmprofiles/Policy 1 policy/datastores> cd /
> ls

0 /
1 localhost/

> cd 1

/localhost> ls

0 Training (datacenter)

/localhost> cd 0

/localhost/Training> ls

0 storage/
1 computers [host]/
2 networks [network]/
3 datastores [datastore]/
4 vms [vm]/

/localhost/Training> cd 1

/localhost/Training/computers> ls

0 Cluster 1 (cluster): cpu 1 GHz, memory 4 GB
1 Cluster 2 (cluster): cpu 1 GHz, memory 4 GB
2 esxi04.vclass.local (standalone): cpu 0 GHz, memory 3 GB
3 esxi08.vclass.local (standalone): cpu 0 GHz, memory 3 GB

/localhost/Training/computers> vsan.check_state "Cluster 1"
2014-05-02 15:29:07 +0000: Step 1: Check for inaccessible VSAN objects
Detected 0 objects to be inaccessible

2014-05-02 15:29:08 +0000: Step 2: Check for invalid/inaccessible VMs

2014-05-02 15:29:08 +0000: Step 3: Check for VMs for which VC/hostd/vmx are out of sync
Did not find VMs for which VC/hostd/vmx are out of sync

> vsan.cluster_info "Cluster 1"

Host: esxi01.vclass.local
VSAN enabled: yes
Cluster info:
Cluster role: agent
Cluster UUID: 52316ae9-d251-3a1f-5ba9-862a6c842f6a
Node UUID: 534dfbb0-c2c3-65bc-85ac-005056013945
Member UUIDs: ["534dfd0a-a332-4185-9a86-005056013946", "534dfd7f-fa7a-46cc-0030-005056013947", "534dfbb0-c2c3-65bc-85ac-005056013945"] (3)
Storage info:
Auto claim: no
Disk Mappings:
SSD: VMware Serial Attached SCSI Disk (mpx.vmhba1:C0:T3:L0) - 2 GB
MD: VMware Serial Attached SCSI Disk (mpx.vmhba1:C0:T2:L0) - 5 GB
MD: VMware Serial Attached SCSI Disk (mpx.vmhba1:C0:T1:L0) - 5 GB
Adapter: vmk2 (

Host: esxi02.vclass.local
VSAN enabled: yes
Cluster info:
Cluster role: master
Cluster UUID: 52316ae9-d251-3a1f-5ba9-862a6c842f6a
Node UUID: 534dfd0a-a332-4185-9a86-005056013946
Member UUIDs: ["534dfd0a-a332-4185-9a86-005056013946", "534dfd7f-fa7a-46cc-0030-005056013947", "534dfbb0-c2c3-65bc-85ac-005056013945"] (3)
Storage info:
Auto claim: no
Disk Mappings:
SSD: VMware Serial Attached SCSI Disk (mpx.vmhba1:C0:T3:L0) - 2 GB
MD: VMware Serial Attached SCSI Disk (mpx.vmhba1:C0:T2:L0) - 5 GB
MD: VMware Serial Attached SCSI Disk (mpx.vmhba1:C0:T1:L0) - 5 GB
Adapter: vmk2 (

Host: esxi03.vclass.local
VSAN enabled: yes
Cluster info:
Cluster role: backup
Cluster UUID: 52316ae9-d251-3a1f-5ba9-862a6c842f6a
Node UUID: 534dfd7f-fa7a-46cc-0030-005056013947
Member UUIDs: ["534dfd0a-a332-4185-9a86-005056013946", "534dfd7f-fa7a-46cc-0030-005056013947", "534dfbb0-c2c3-65bc-85ac-005056013945"] (3)
Storage info:
Auto claim: no
Disk Mappings:
SSD: VMware Serial Attached SCSI Disk (mpx.vmhba1:C0:T3:L0) - 2 GB
MD: VMware Serial Attached SCSI Disk (mpx.vmhba1:C0:T2:L0) - 5 GB
MD: VMware Serial Attached SCSI Disk (mpx.vmhba1:C0:T1:L0) - 5 GB
Adapter: vmk2 (

/localhost/Training/computers> vsan.disks_stats "Cluster 1"

2014-05-02 15:33:47 +0000: Fetching VSAN disk info from esxi01.vclass.local (may take a moment) ...
2014-05-02 15:33:47 +0000: Fetching VSAN disk info from esxi03.vclass.local (may take a moment) ...
2014-05-02 15:33:47 +0000: Fetching VSAN disk info from esxi02.vclass.local (may take a moment) ...
2014-05-02 15:33:49 +0000: Done fetching VSAN disk infos

| | | | Num | Capacity | | | Status |
| DisplayName | Host | isSSD | Comp | Total | Used | Reserved | Health |
| mpx.vmhba1:C0:T3:L0 | esxi01.vclass.local | SSD | 0 | 1.75 GB | 0 % | 0 % | OK
| mpx.vmhba1:C0:T1:L0 | esxi01.vclass.local | MD | 3 | 4.75 GB | 22 % | 0 % | OK
| mpx.vmhba1:C0:T2:L0 | esxi01.vclass.local | MD | 3 | 4.75 GB | 21 % | 11 % | OK
| mpx.vmhba1:C0:T3:L0 | esxi02.vclass.local | SSD | 0 | 1.75 GB | 0 % | 0 % | OK
| mpx.vmhba1:C0:T2:L0 | esxi02.vclass.local | MD | 6 | 4.75 GB | 11 % | 0 % | OK
| mpx.vmhba1:C0:T1:L0 | esxi02.vclass.local | MD | 1 | 4.75 GB | 21 % | 11 % | OK
| mpx.vmhba1:C0:T3:L0 | esxi03.vclass.local | SSD | 0 | 1.75 GB | 0 % | 0 % | OK
| mpx.vmhba1:C0:T2:L0 | esxi03.vclass.local | MD | 4 | 4.75 GB | 11 % | 0 % | OK
| mpx.vmhba1:C0:T1:L0 | esxi03.vclass.local | MD | 3 | 4.75 GB | 23 % | 0 % | OK

/localhost/Training/computers> cd ..
/localhost/Training> mark cluster ~/computers/"Cluster 1"/.
/localhost/Training> mark esxi ~cluster/hosts/esxi01.vclass.local
/localhost/Training> mark vm ~/vms/vm01

/localhost/Training> vsan.host_info ~esxi

VSAN enabled: yes
Cluster info:
Cluster role: agent
Cluster UUID: 52316ae9-d251-3a1f-5ba9-862a6c842f6a
Node UUID: 534dfbb0-c2c3-65bc-85ac-005056013945
Member UUIDs: ["534dfd0a-a332-4185-9a86-005056013946", "534dfd7f-fa7a-46cc-0030-005056013947", "534dfbb0-c2c3-65bc-85ac-005056013945", "534e0297-570b-86ec-fbd5-00505601394f"] (4)
Storage info:
Auto claim: no
Disk Mappings:
SSD: VMware Serial Attached SCSI Disk (mpx.vmhba1:C0:T3:L0) - 2 GB
MD: VMware Serial Attached SCSI Disk (mpx.vmhba1:C0:T2:L0) - 5 GB
MD: VMware Serial Attached SCSI Disk (mpx.vmhba1:C0:T1:L0) - 5 GB
Adapter: vmk2 (

/localhost/Training> vsan.whatif_host_failures -s ~cluster

Current utilization of hosts:
| | | HDD Capacity | | | Components | SSD Capacity |
| Host | NumHDDs | Total | Used | Reserved | Used | Reserved |
| esxi03.vclass.local | 2 | 9.50 GB | 22 % | 5 % | 9/562 (2 %) | 0 % |
| esxi02.vclass.local | 2 | 9.50 GB | 16 % | 5 % | 9/562 (2 %) | 0 % |
| esxi01.vclass.local | 2 | 9.50 GB | 23 % | 5 % | 9/562 (2 %) | 0 % |
| esxi04.vclass.local | 2 | 9.50 GB | 17 % | 5 % | 4/562 (1 %) | 0 % |

Simulating 1 host failures:

| Resource | Usage right now | Usage after failure/re-protection |
| HDD capacity | 19% used (30.64 GB free) | 26% used (21.14 GB free)
| Components | 1% used (2217 available) | 2% used (1655 available)
| RC reservations | 0% used (6.99 GB free) | 0% used (5.24 GB free)

/localhost/Training> vsan.enter_maintenance_mode ~esxi

EnterMaintenanceMode esxi01.vclass.local: running [=

/localhost/Training/networks/vDS01> cd /

> ~cluster --run-webserver --force

Couldn't load gnuplot lib
[2014-05-02 16:04:56] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2014-05-02 16:04:56] INFO ruby 1.9.2 (2011-07-09) [x86_64-linux]
[2014-05-02 16:04:56] WARN TCPServer Error: Address already in use - bind(2)
Press <Ctrl>+<C> to stop observing at any point ...

2014-05-02 16:04:56 +0000: Collect one inventory snapshot
[2014-05-02 16:04:56] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=22174 port=8010
Query VM properties: 0.10 sec
Query Stats on esxi02.vclass.local: 0.88 sec (on ESX: 0.20, json size: 151KB)
Query Stats on esxi01.vclass.local: 0.97 sec (on ESX: 0.20, json size: 156KB)
Query Stats on esxi03.vclass.local: 0.96 sec (on ESX: 0.19, json size: 155KB)Query Stats on esxi04.vclass.local: 0.87 sec (on ESX: 0.19, json size: 137KB)

Note: Now launch the browser and point to the vcenter server port 8010 (no https).