Thursday, May 24, 2018

vSAN Cluster via PowerCli

Building a vSAN cluster with PowerCLI

Step 1: Connect to the vCenter Server
connect-viserver sa-vcsa-01.vclass.local

Step 2: Create a datacenter
new-datacenter -Location (get-folder -norecursion) -name “javier datacenter”

Step 3: Add your servers to your datacenter
add vmhost sa-esxi-02.vclass.local -location “javier datacenter” -user root -password VMware1!
add vmhost sa-esxi-03.vclass.local -location “javier datacenter” -user root -password VMware1!

Step 4: Create a distributed virtual switch for vSAN
new-vdswitch -name vsanswitch -location “javier datacenter”
get-vdswitch -name vsanswitch | new vdportgroup -name vsanpg
get-vdswitch -name vsanswitch | add vdswitchvmhost -vmhost sa-esxi-01.vclass.local, sa-esxi-02.vclass.local, sa-esxi-03.vclass.local
$nic1=get-vmhost sa-esxi-01.vclass.local | get  vmhostnetworkadapter -physical -name vmnic3
$nic2=get-vmhost sa-esxi-02.vclass.local | get  vmhostnetworkadapter -physical -name vmnic3
$nic3=get-vmhost sa-esxi-03.vclass.local | get  vmhostnetworkadapter -physical -name vmnic3
get-vdswitch vsanswitch | add-vdswitchphysicalnetworkadapter -vmhostphysicalnic $nic1
get-vdswitch vsanswitch | add-vdswitchphysicalnetworkadapter -vmhostphysicalnic $nic2
get-vdswitch vsanswitch | add-vdswitchphysicalnetworkadapter -vmhostphysicalnic $nic3
new-vmhostnetworkadapter -vmhost sa-esxi-01.vclass.local -portgroup vsanpg -virtualswitch vsanswitch -IP -subnetmask -vsantrafficenabled $true
new-vmhostnetworkadapter -vmhost sa-esxi-02.vclass.local -portgroup vsanpg -virtualswitch vsanswitch -IP -subnetmask -vsantrafficenabled $true
new-vmhostnetworkadapter -vmhost sa-esxi-03.vclass.local -portgroup vsanpg -virtualswitch vsanswitch -IP -subnetmask -vsantrafficenabled $true

Step 5: Create a cluster enabled for vSAN and DRS
new-cluster -name “javier cluster” -vsanenabled -drsenabled -location “javier datacenter”

Step 6: Add the servers to the cluster and then enable HA
get-vmhost sa-esxi-01.vclass.local | move-vmhost -Destination “Javier cluster”
get-vmhost sa-esxi-02.vclass.local | move-vmhost -Destination “Javier cluster”
get-vmhost sa-esxi-03.vclass.local | move-vmhost -Destination “Javier cluster”
set-cluster -cluster “Javier cluster” -HAEnabled:$true

Step 7: Create the diskgroups for the hosts
new-vsandiskgroup -vmhost sa-esxi-01.vclass.local -ssdcanonicalname mpx.vmhba0:C0:T1:L0                     -datadiskcanonicalname mpx.vmhba0:C0:T2:L0, mpx.vmhba0:C0:T3:L0
new-vsandiskgroup -vmhost sa-esxi-02.vclass.local -ssdcanonicalname mpx.vmhba1:C0:T1:L0                     -datadiskcanonicalname mpx.vmhba1:C0:T2:L0, mpx.vmhba1:C0:T3:L0
new-vsandiskgroup -vmhost sa-esxi-03.vclass.local -ssdcanonicalname mpx.vmhba1:C0:T1:L0                     -datadiskcanonicalname mpx.vmhba1:C0:T2:L0, mpx.vmhba1:C0:T3:L0

Step 8: Verify disk and disk group related information

Step 9: Create a fault domain with two servers
new-vsanfaultdomain -name domain1 -vmhost sa-esxi-01.vclass.local, sa-esxi-02.vclass.local

Step 10: Add a host to your fault domain
set-vsanfauldomain domain1 -addvmhost sa-esxi-03.vclass.local

Step 11: Remove the third host from the fault domain
set-vsanfaultdomain domain1 -removehost sa-esxi-03.vclass.local

Step 12: Remove the fault domain
remove-vsanfaultdomain domain1

Step 13: Create two vsan virtual machine storage policies
get-command “*spbm*”
get-spbmcapability VSAN*
new-spbmstoragepolicy -name PFTT=2 -anyrulesets (new-spbmruleset (new-spbmrule -Capability (get-spbmcapability -Name “VSAN.hostFailuresToTolerate”) -Value 2 ) )
new-spbmstoragepolicy -name RAID10 -anyrulesets (new-spbmruleset (new-spbmrule -Capability (get-spbmcapability -Name “VSAN.hostFailuresToTolerate”) -Value 1 ), (new-spbmcapability -name “VSAN.stripeWidth” ) -Value 2) )

Step 14: Export one of the policies
export-spbmstoragepolicy -storagepolicy RAID10 -filepath C:\

Step 15: Remove a policy that is not in use
remove-spbmstoragepolicy -storagepolicy RAID10

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