Saturday, August 1, 2015

How to Build a Virtual San 6 Cluster with Powercli

Connect to the vcenter server

Connect-viserver vcenter_server_name –user administrator@vsphere.local –password Password_here

Create a datacenter

New-datacenter –Location (get-folder –norecursion) –name Datacenter_Name_Here

Add the three hosts (or more) to the datacenter

Add-vmhost first_esxi -location Datacenter_Name –user root –password password_here
Add-vmhost second_esxi –location Datacenter_Name –user root –password password_here
Add-vmhost third_esxi –location Datacenter_Name –user root –password password_here

Create the vmotion distributed switch for the three hosts

New-vdswitch –name vmotionswitch –location Datacenter_Name_Here
Get-vdswitch –name vmotionswitch | new-vdportgroup –name vmotionpg
Get-vdswitch –name vmotionswitch | add-vdswitchvmhost –vmhost first_esxi_host, second_esxi_host, third_esxi_host
$nic1=get-vmhost first_esxi_host | get-vmhostnetworkadapter –physical –name vmnic2
$nic2=get-vmhost second_esxi_host | get-vmhostnetworkadapter –physical –name vmnic2
$nic3=get-vmhost third_esxi_host | get-vmhostnetworkadapter –physical –name vmnic2
Get-vdswitch vmotionswitch | add-vdswitchphysicalnetworkadapter –vmhostphysicalnic $nic1
Get-vdswitch vmotionswitch | add-vdswitchphysicalnetworkadapter –vmhostphysicalnic $nic2
Get-vdswitch vmotionswitch | add-vdswitchphysicalnetworkadapter –vmhostphysicalnic $nic3
New-vmhostnetworkadapter –vmhost first_esxi_host –portgroup vmotionpg –virtualswitch vmotionswitch –IP ip_here –subnetmask netmask_here   –vmotionenabled $true
New-vmhostnetworkadapter –vmhost second_esxi_host –portgroup vsanpg –virtualswitch vmotionswitch –IP ip_here  –subnetmask netmask_here  –vmotionenabled $true
New-vmhostnetworkadapter –vmhost third_esxi_host –portgroup vsanpg –virtualswitch vmotionswitch –IP ip_here –subnetmask netmask_here   –vmotionenabled $true

Create the vsan distributed switch for the three hosts

New-vdswitch –name vsanswitch –location Datacenter_Name
Get-vdswitch –name vsanswitch | new-vdportgroup –name vsanpg
Get-vdswitch –name vsanswitch | add-vdswitchvmhost –vmhost first_esxi_host, second_esxi_host, third_esxi_host
$nic4=get-vmhost first_esxi_host | get-vmhostnetworkadapter –physical –name vmnic1
$nic5=get-vmhost second_esxi_host | get-vmhostnetworkadapter –physical –name vmnic1
$nic6=get-vmhost third_esxi_host | get-vmhostnetworkadapter –physical –name vmnic1
Get-vdswitch vsanswitch | add-vdswitchphysicalnetworkadapter –vmhostphysicalnic $nic4
Get-vdswitch vsanswitch | add-vdswitchphysicalnetworkadapter –vmhostphysicalnic $nic5
Get-vdswitch vsanswitch | add-vdswitchphysicalnetworkadapter –vmhostphysicalnic $nic6
New-vmhostnetworkadapter –vmhost first_esxi_host –portgroup vsanpg –virtualswitch vsanswitch –IP ip_here –subnetmask netmask_here  –vsantrafficenabled $true
New-vmhostnetworkadapter –vmhost second_esxi_host –portgroup vsanpg –virtualswitch vsanswitch –IP ip_here –subnetmask netmask_here  –vsantrafficenabled $true
New-vmhostnetworkadapter –vmhost third_esxi_host –portgroup vsanpg –virtualswitch vsanswitch –IP ip_here –subnetmask netmask_here  –vsantrafficenabled $true

Create the vsan cluster

New-cluster Cluster_Name –DRSEnabled -VsanEnabled–Location Datacenter_Name

Add the three hosts to the vsan cluster

Get-vmhost first_esxi_host | move-vmhost –Destination Cluster_Name
Get-vmhost second_esxi_host | move-vmhost –Destination Cluster_Name
Get-vmhost third_esxi_host | move-vmhost –Destination Cluster_Name

Create the disk groups:

new-vsandiskgroup -vmhost hostname -ssdcanonicalname disk_name -datadiskcanonicalname  disk_name,disk_name

View the results:


Disconnect from the vcenter and verify the results

Disconnect-viserver vcenter_server_name

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